Small Credit loan app Review : Small Credit app Fake or Real
Small Credit Loan app Review :- ™ Don’t apply in Small Credit loan app for loan mostly they Collect Your Data and rarely give loan which is only for 7 days . Small Credit buddy cash loan app is unauthorised loan apps in play store by Wrong Description in Abouts Section today I will Give you Detailed Analysis of Small Credit loan app

Small Credit loan app : Buddy cash Basic Details
- Small Credit app loan amount from 10,000 to 1 lakh Rupees which not true they only small amount like 2k – 10k
- Small Credit loan tenure from 3 months to 72 months which is totally wrong they give only 7 day loan
- APR of small Credit loan from 14%- 28% + Processing fees + GST totally 30%-40% of loan amount
- Small credit app download in playstore in 500k+ and 4.6 star Ratings
- Small credit loan app NBFC partner :- Small investment and finance limited
Small Credit loan app Customers Review

- If You See Customer Review of small credit loan app it is clear that main purpose of this loan app is collecting Customer data and Give very less loan with high interest and short term like 7 day loan
- Small Credit app is fake type of App because they are not follow RBI and Google playstore policies
- Small Credit has Gain more Download by paid Advertising of Google ads and Facebook ads
- Most of the review is given by paid company
How to file Complaint against small Credit loan app
If you have been Cheated in any way then You can Complain in Cybercrime online & you Can Complain in your nearest police station . Alert Your Contact and Family abouts these Fraud loan app they Are Hacker and Fraudulent so don’t Apply these Fraud app
Know About : NBFC and RBI Approved loan app
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