Buddy Cash loan Review : Buddy Cash Real or Fake
Buddy Cash loan Review : Buddy Cash loan app has 1 Million download with 4.4 star rating and 13k Reviews which is totally fake and paid . I will Give you proof of buddy cash loan if you want take loan from buddy cash then highly Recommend Review for You and Share this post to your Friends and Family
Buddy Cash loan app : Basic features
- Buddy cash loan amount from 30,000 rupee to 1 lakh Rupee but Actual Reality is different they give only Short loan amount
- Buddy Cash app tenure : minimum loan tenure 95 days maximum loan tenure 6 months But Actual they Give only 7 day loan
- Rates of interest of buddy cash loan is 0 % to 25 % + processing fees is very high
- Buddy cash loan app Can hack Your Contact list and send Your Contact list if you delayed you payments
- DON’T apply if You want big loan for long term tenure
Is it Real of Fake? :Buddy cash loan Review
Buddy cash loan app is totally fake loan app because this loan app is giving you very high interest loan around 40% charged of the loan amount & this loan you should repay within 7 day so Now you understand which type of loan app is Buddy Cash .it give only 7 days tenure which violate Google play store policies of finance so don’t apply and stay away from Buddy Cash loan app
- Buddy cash is cheater instant loan app if you read their genuine customer review it clear that how they Cheat with Customers
- This is unauthorised instant loan apps
- This not a instant personal loan app & this is only money mafia which charged very high Interest
- If You delayed your payment by 1 day they are tourched you by Sending messages to your contacts list and Defame you
- They Can misuse Your Documents like they are selling in your Information to Dark web or Other illegal plateform