Coin Cash loan app Review : Coin cash app Real or Fake
Coin cash loan app review :- If you want to urgent need of money often You are going to Play Store and search best loan app , best personal loan app without income proofs but You Get a loan app which name is Coin cash loan which Have good number of downlaods and rating But When You Applied For loan You Shocked After Watching Reality ? what was the reality Today I will tell You Exact Reality About Coincash loan app

Coincash loan app : Basic Features of Coin cash app
- Coin Cash loan amounts from 3000 Rupee to 2 lakh Rupee but actually they Don’t give More than 10,000
- Coin Cash loan tenure :- minimum tenure -95 days and maximum tenure 365 days but in Reality they Give only 7 days loan
- Interest rates of Coincash loan app is 30 % APR
- Coin Cash loan app Processing fees – 5% to 9% according to customer risk Profiles
- Coin cash loan app playstore download is 100k+ with 4.8 star ratings
क्या आप भारत की Top 5 loan app के बारे में जानते है यहां देखें
Coin Cash loan Customer Reviews: instant loan app

- I am totally shocked after watch coin cash loan app Customer reviews according to a customer this loan app sending sexual photos and blackmailing for repayment & sending Morph Photos to Contact list it’s very Cheated and fraud app don’t Apply
- Coincash has no NBFC they are giving Fake NBFC name if this NBFC is correct then RBI immediately cancels license of this type of NBFC
- They are pramoting their apps by Google ads and Facebook ads and people falls in their loan traps
- I’f you want to take loan from any app then first check their Critical Reviews and then apply after Satisfaction